Virtual consultations with a clinical herbalist offer professional guidance into the world of botanical medicine and holistic health.

Specializing in empowering and educating clients to safely and effectively choose the right botanical medicines and holistic health support for their unique needs.

A clinical herbalist works with clients to enhance the body’s natural ability to support and heal itself with integrative botanical medicine. This is achieved with a holistic approach, in which we view each client as a whole person (not just a symptom or condition), determine the unique factors of individual health, discover underlying causes of dis-ease, and establish an awareness of your unique constitution to determine the best botanical support for you.

Preventative Health Support | Common Conditions | Women’s Health | Preconception, Pregnancy & Postpartum | Family Wellnes


Spirit Fox Apothecary’s Wilder Farmacy offers wildcrafted, organic herbs, & seasonal small batch herbal remedies from the fields & forest of Wisconsin

We love people and the planet and are here to connect you to nature’s abundant gifts and your innate power to feel your best & live a vibrant life!