Renewal Facial Steam Tea

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-Nourish & Renew Youthful Skin-

What it does…

Facial steaming promotes circulation helping to deeply cleanse and detoxify pores, loosening the build-up of sebum and dirt, and allowing for optimal absorption of facial serums and creams.

❁Prevent free-radical damage**

❁Tone and cleanse**

❁Promote collagen production**

❁Promote even complexion**

❁Reduce redness and inflammation**

Meet the herbs…

Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis tones and detoxifies the skin as an antiseptic and astringent herb, helping to restore a youthful appearance. As an anti-inflammatory, it helps to reduce redness and puffiness leaving skin with a healthy glow. Rosemary helps to restore damage from sun exposure and sun spots and is rich in vitamins A, C, & E, calcium, iron, fatty acids, and antioxidants helping to nourish and protect against free radical damage.

Horsetail Equisetum arvense is rich in the essential trace mineral silica, which encourages natural collagen production, helping to restore a supple and youthful appearance. An anti-inflammatory and antibacterial herb, horsetail reduces redness, inflammation, and blemishes. Its antioxidant content protects against free radical damage, improving skin tone and texture.

Elderflower Sambucus spp. is rich in antioxidants, bioflavonoids, fatty acids, and vitamins A, C, and B. Paired with its anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties Elderflower protects against free-radical damage, restores youthful appearance, balances skin tone, softens the skin, and prevents break-outs.

Chamomile Matricaria chamomilla is a gentle, soothing herb with antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Chamomile is healing and soothing for redness, acne, and rashes like eczema. It protects against free-radical damage and balances the skin, brightening and toning for a soft, even complexion.

2-3 Facial steams per pouch

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-Nourish & Renew Youthful Skin-

What it does…

Facial steaming promotes circulation helping to deeply cleanse and detoxify pores, loosening the build-up of sebum and dirt, and allowing for optimal absorption of facial serums and creams.

❁Prevent free-radical damage**

❁Tone and cleanse**

❁Promote collagen production**

❁Promote even complexion**

❁Reduce redness and inflammation**

Meet the herbs…

Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis tones and detoxifies the skin as an antiseptic and astringent herb, helping to restore a youthful appearance. As an anti-inflammatory, it helps to reduce redness and puffiness leaving skin with a healthy glow. Rosemary helps to restore damage from sun exposure and sun spots and is rich in vitamins A, C, & E, calcium, iron, fatty acids, and antioxidants helping to nourish and protect against free radical damage.

Horsetail Equisetum arvense is rich in the essential trace mineral silica, which encourages natural collagen production, helping to restore a supple and youthful appearance. An anti-inflammatory and antibacterial herb, horsetail reduces redness, inflammation, and blemishes. Its antioxidant content protects against free radical damage, improving skin tone and texture.

Elderflower Sambucus spp. is rich in antioxidants, bioflavonoids, fatty acids, and vitamins A, C, and B. Paired with its anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties Elderflower protects against free-radical damage, restores youthful appearance, balances skin tone, softens the skin, and prevents break-outs.

Chamomile Matricaria chamomilla is a gentle, soothing herb with antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Chamomile is healing and soothing for redness, acne, and rashes like eczema. It protects against free-radical damage and balances the skin, brightening and toning for a soft, even complexion.

2-3 Facial steams per pouch

-Nourish & Renew Youthful Skin-

What it does…

Facial steaming promotes circulation helping to deeply cleanse and detoxify pores, loosening the build-up of sebum and dirt, and allowing for optimal absorption of facial serums and creams.

❁Prevent free-radical damage**

❁Tone and cleanse**

❁Promote collagen production**

❁Promote even complexion**

❁Reduce redness and inflammation**

Meet the herbs…

Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis tones and detoxifies the skin as an antiseptic and astringent herb, helping to restore a youthful appearance. As an anti-inflammatory, it helps to reduce redness and puffiness leaving skin with a healthy glow. Rosemary helps to restore damage from sun exposure and sun spots and is rich in vitamins A, C, & E, calcium, iron, fatty acids, and antioxidants helping to nourish and protect against free radical damage.

Horsetail Equisetum arvense is rich in the essential trace mineral silica, which encourages natural collagen production, helping to restore a supple and youthful appearance. An anti-inflammatory and antibacterial herb, horsetail reduces redness, inflammation, and blemishes. Its antioxidant content protects against free radical damage, improving skin tone and texture.

Elderflower Sambucus spp. is rich in antioxidants, bioflavonoids, fatty acids, and vitamins A, C, and B. Paired with its anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties Elderflower protects against free-radical damage, restores youthful appearance, balances skin tone, softens the skin, and prevents break-outs.

Chamomile Matricaria chamomilla is a gentle, soothing herb with antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Chamomile is healing and soothing for redness, acne, and rashes like eczema. It protects against free-radical damage and balances the skin, brightening and toning for a soft, even complexion.

2-3 Facial steams per pouch

Ingredients: Rosemary*, Horsetail*, Elderflower*, Chamomile*, & Love


  1. Cleanse and exfoliate according to your skincare regimen. Gently pat skin dry.

  2. Add 1-2 Tbsp. of Facial Steam Tea to a stable heat-safe bowl or container

  3. Bring 2 cups of water to a boil and remove from heat allowing to cool for a few minutes to ensure the steam is not burning hot.

  4. Pour prepared water over Facial Steam Tea in your heat-safe bowl.

  5. Place a towel over your head to create a steam tent and sit above the bowl comfortably for 5-10 minutes. (Begin with 5 minutes, and as you steam more regularly increase time). Ensure that the steam is at a comfortable and safe temperature before creating your steam tent to avoid steam burns. It should feel like a sauna.

While steaming breathe deeply & relax your mind [this is a great time to meditate]. As you steam you will be simultaneously creating an infusion packed with benefits that can be strained and used in a bath, foot soak, or a rinse in the shower. Just be sure to store the infusion in a jar with a lid in the refrigerator and use it within a day or two.

How long/ How often should I steam?

Normal skin: ~10 minutes weekly or every other week

Dry skin: ~10 minutes every other week

Oily skin: ~5-10 minutes 2x/ week

Acne-prone skin: ~5 minutes 2x/week

Sensitive skin: ~5 minutes 1x/month

*Organic and sustainably sourced

**This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. Not intended to diagnose or treat any illness. Consult your primary physician before using herbal supplements if you are pregnant, nursing, or taking any medications. For educational purposes only.